
肺炎系列 (七) 違反香港法例第599章的後果

香港法例第599章,條例旨在就以下目的訂定條文︰控制及預防人類間的疾病;防止任何疾病、疾病的來源或污染傳入香港、在香港蔓延及從香港向外傳播 [註二]。


3. 檢取物品的權力

(1) 衞生主任在署長的書面批准下,可為控制或防止任何構成公共衞生危險的疾病的蔓延...
(3) 有關的物品或其部分的擁有人,或管有該物品或其部分的人,須在衞生主任為行使其檢取權力而向該人要求合理協助時,向該衞生主任提供他所要求的協助。
(4) 任何人違反第(3)款,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第2級罰款及監禁6個月

6. 從扣留中逃走

(1) 如任何根據本條例被扣留的人逃走,該人可被下述人士逮捕...
(2) 任何根據本條例被扣留的人逃走或企圖逃走,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第2級罰款及監禁6個月。

7. 訂立規例的權力

(1) 食物及衞生局局長可為以下目的訂立規例(《規例》) 
(3) 《規例》可規定違反《規例》的任何條文即屬犯罪,可處不超過第3級罰款及監禁不超過6個月。

8. 公共衞生緊急事態規例

(1) 如行政長官會同行政會議認為任何情況屬公共衞生緊急事態的情況,行政長官會同行政會議可為防止、應付或紓緩該公共衞生緊急事態的影響,及為保障公眾健康,訂立規例(《規例》)。

11. 妨礙衞生主任等

(1) 任何人不得妨礙或協助他人妨礙衞生主任、警務人員或根據本條例委任的公職人員或人根據本條例行使權力或執行職能。
(2) 任何人違反第(1)款,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第2級罰款及監禁2個月 [註四]


有關「嚴重新型傳染性病原體呼吸系統病」的呈報詳情如下 [註一]:




  • 凡符合呈報準則的個案;
  • 經肺部X光診斷確診患有肺炎;及
  • 以下其中一項情況:(甲)曾到訪「華南海鮮城(華南海鮮批發市場)」;或(乙)曾於病發前十四天內接觸與上述市場有流行病學關連的不明原因肺炎病人。

Case definition 

Severe Respiratory Disease associated with a Novel Infectious Agent 

Clinical Description 
According to announcements from the health authorities of Mainland China, a number of pneumonia cases with unknown cause related to the wholesale market named “華南海鮮城 (華南海鮮批發市場)”in Wuhan have been identified since December 2019 in Wuhan of Hubei Province (湖北省武漢市), China. Symptoms were mainly fever while a few had presented with shortness of breath. 

Reporting Criteria 
An individual fulfilling the following should be reported to the Centre for Health Protection for further investigation: 
  • Presented with fever and acute respiratory illness, or with pneumonia; AND 
  • With travel history to Wuhan within 14 days before onset of symptom (irrespective of any exposure to wet market or seafood market). 
Laboratory Criteria 
Not applicable. 
(The causative pathogen is still under investigation by the Mainland health authorities. There is no laboratory test for this condition at the present moment.)

Case Classification 
Suspected case 
A case that fulfils the reporting criteria. 

Probable case 
A case that: 
  • fulfils the reporting criteria, AND 
  • has pneumonia confirmed by chest X-ray; AND 
  • has either (i) exposure to the market “華南海鮮城 (華南海鮮批發市場)”, or (ii) close contact with a pneumonia case with unknown aetiology epidemiologically linked to the above market in Wuhan within 14 days before onset of symptoms. 
Confirmed case 
Not applicable


  • Please report cases fulfilling the reporting criteria to the Central Notification Office (CENO) of CHP via fax (2477 2770) using Form 2, phone (2477 2772) or CENO On-line.
  • Private doctors should call the Medical Control Officer (MCO) of DH at Pager: 7116 3300 call 9179 when reporting any case.
  • 呈報傳染病個案網頁 [註五]

