In the 2021-22 Budget, six points relate to "Strengthen Healthcare System".
Healthcare Facilities and Manpower
154. The HA will press ahead with the implementation of the first 10-year Hospital Development Plan (HDP) and the planning of the second 10-year HDP. The HA will review the design of hospital projects under the two 10-year HDPs taking into account the experience in combating COVID-19 and incorporate required provisions for two to three general wards in each selected hospital, so that they can be readily converted into Tier-2 isolation wards when the need arises.155. To strengthen professional healthcare training, around $1.9 billion has been allocated to the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in the past two financial years for carrying out short-term renovation works and facility enhancement as well as studies and medium and long-term works projects to increase their teaching facilities. The Government will continue to work with the universities to upgrade and increase healthcare-related teaching facilities.
156. Healthcare workers play a pivotal role in our fight against the epidemic. The last Budget earmarked funding to support the HA in providing sufficient manpower for the public healthcare system and easing the pressure on healthcare workers. The measures are being taken forward.
Primary Healthcare
157. Following the commencement of service of the first District Health Centre (DHC) in Kwai Tsing District, I earmarked $650 million recurrent expenditure for setting up DHCs in six other districts last year. Two of them in Sham Shui Po and Wong Tai Sin target to commence operation within the coming two years. Last year, I also allocated about $600 million for setting up "DHC Expresses" in the remaining 11 districts which are expected to commence service progressively within this year.
Development of Chinese Medicine
158. The Government will award the service deed for the Chinese Medicine Hospital in Tseung Kwan O in the middle of this year, and construction works are expected to be completed in 2025. Since last year, the Government has also allocated more resources to the 18 Chinese Medicine Clinics cum Training and Research Centres, with a view to continuously enhancing the remuneration package of and training for Chinese medicine practitioners. Moreover, the Government promotes the development of Chinese medicine in Hong Kong through a dedicated fund of $500 million.
Mental Health Services
159. The Government will provide additional recurrent funding of around $147 million to enhance child and adolescent psychiatric, community psychiatric and psychogeriatric services of the HA, and support the enhanced service of Kwai Chung Hospital upon its redevelopment. It was earlier announced that a sum of $300 million will be used for strengthening support for people in need in the community as well as enhancing public awareness of the importance of mental health.