
肺炎系列 (一百卅一) How HK kept COVID cases down

  1. Citizens
    • maintaining very high standard of personal hygiene and environmental hygiene
    • 97% of Hong Kong people use facemasks to prevent themselves from contracting COVID-19 [1], disregard what the HK government and WHO said.
    • Hong Kong people build up face mask reserve for themselves [2].
    • Painful experience in SARS in year 2003 [3], with 1755 confirmed cases (21.7% of whole world) and 299 deaths (mortality rate 17%) [3].
  2. Health care workers
  3. Government
    • How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the government’s performance in handling the Coronavirus disease, also known as COVID-19?  23% satisfied, 60% dissatisfied [1].
    • Did not lock down, by saying that "林鄭特首曾說「封關」不切實際 [12]、或造成歧視 [13]、已經無乜意思 [14],陳肇始重申封關不可行 [15],梁卓偉:香港沒必要採取封關措施 [16]。




[4] 平成29年簡易生命表の概況,厚生労働省 (2017年) 其他統計 Summary of 2017 simplified life table, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (2017) 
[12] 林鄭月娥:「封關」不切實際。Now 新聞 2020-1-25
[13] 回應全面封關建議,林鄭月娥稱或造成歧視。香港電台新聞 2020-1-31
[14] 林鄭月娥:封關「已經無乜意思」,跨境人流已降至最低。獨立媒體網 2020-2-11
[15] 陳肇始重申封關不可行,稱「武漢都已經封城,無人嚟」。獨立媒體網 2020-1-26
[16] 梁卓偉:香港沒必要採取封關措施。文匯報 2020-1-25

Dr. Pierre Chan
Specialist in Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Legislative Councillor of HKSAR
Member, the Medical Council of Hong Kong

