
香港人權與民主法案 Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act

Donald J. Trump.  Statement by the President. 2019-11-27

  • Today, I have signed into law S. 1838, the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019” (the “Act”). The Act reaffirms and amends the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992, specifies United States policy towards Hong Kong, and directs assessment of the political developments in Hong Kong. Certain provisions of the Act would interfere with the exercise of the President’s constitutional authority to state the foreign policy of the United States. My Administration will treat each of the provisions of the Act consistently with the President’s constitutional authorities with respect to foreign relations. - Donald J. Trump.

特區政府強烈反對涉港法案成為美國法律 2019-11-28

  • 香港特別行政區政府今日(十一月二十八日)對《香港人權與民主法案》以及另外一項有關香港的法案成為美國法律表示強烈反對,並對美方無視港方多次就兩項法案提出的切實關注表示極度遺憾。兩項法案明顯干預香港的內部事務,既無必要,亦毫無理據,更會損害香港和美國之間的關係和利益。

外交部就美方签署“香港人权与民主法案”发表声明 [新华社 2019-11-28]

  • 外交部28日就美方將所謂“香港人權與民主法案”簽署成法發表聲明,全文如下:
  • 美方將所謂“香港人權與民主法案”簽署成法,此舉嚴重干預香港事務,嚴重干涉中國內政,嚴重違反國際法和國際關係基本準則,是赤裸裸的霸權行徑,中國政府和人民堅決反對。
  • 香港回歸祖國以來,“一國兩制”取得舉世公認的成功,香港居民依法享有前所未有的民主權利。美方罔顧事實、顛倒黑白,公然為瘋狂打砸燒、殘害無辜市民、踐踏法治、危害社會秩序的暴力犯罪分子撐腰打氣,性質極其惡劣,用心十分險惡,其根本目的是破壞香港繁榮穩定,破壞“一國兩制”偉大實踐,破壞中華民族實現偉大復興的歷史進程。
  • 我們要正告美方,香港是中國的香港,香港事務純屬中國內政,任何外國政府和勢力都無權干預。這一所謂法案只會讓包括香港同胞在內的廣大中國人民進一步認清美國的險惡用心和霸權​​本質,只會讓中國人民更加眾志成城。美方的圖謀注定失敗。
  • 中國政府反對任何外部勢力干預香港事務的決心堅定不移,貫徹“一國兩制”方針的決心堅定不移,維護國家主權、安全、發展利益的決心堅定不移。我們奉勸美方不要一意孤行,否則中方必將予以堅決反制,由此產生的一切後果必須由美方承擔。


Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019.  The 116th US Congress.
  • This bill addresses Hong Kong's status under U.S. law and imposes sanctions on those responsible for human rights violations in Hong Kong. (Hong Kong is part of China but has a largely separate legal and economic system.)
  1. The Department of State shall certify annually to Congress as to whether Hong Kong warrants its unique treatment under various treaties, agreements, and U.S. law. The analysis shall evaluate whether Hong Kong is upholding the rule of law and protecting rights enumerated in various documents, including (1) the agreement between the United Kingdom and China regarding Hong Kong's return to China, and (2) the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  2. The bill extends existing annual reporting requirements on matters of U.S. interest in Hong Kong through 2027 and expands such reports to include assessments of (1) limits to Hong Kong's autonomy, either self-imposed or due to China's actions; and (2) whether rescission of Hong Kong's special treatment would further erode Hong Kong's autonomy.
  3. The President shall annually report to Congress on Hong Kong's enforcement of U.S. export controls, including whether items of U.S. origin have been used for mass surveillance in China and whether Hong Kong has been used to evade sanctions on North Korea or Iran.
  4. The State Department shall notify Congress if any proposed or enacted law in Hong Kong negatively impacts U.S. interests, including by putting U.S. citizens at risk of rendition to China.
  5. The President shall impose property and visa-blocking sanctions on foreign persons responsible for gross human rights violations in Hong Kong.


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