

立法會《禁止蒙面規例》小組委員會 [註一],將於2019年11‍月9日(星期六)上午9時至下午6時在立法會綜合大樓舉行會議,聽取公眾意見 [註二]。


A meeting of Subcommittee on Prohibition on Face Covering Regulation would be held on Saturday, 9 ‍November 2019, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm in the Legislative Council Complex to receive public views. 

You are invited to complete the registration through the Online Registration System starting from 9:00 am on 4 November 2019 (Monday) at https://app3.legco.gov.hk/ors/chinese/list.aspx

先訂立、後審議 The negative vetting procedure


除在有關的附屬法例另有規定外,附屬法例在憲報刊載當天生效。附屬法例一直有效,除非修訂該附屬法例的決議獲得通過,以及直至該決議在憲報刊登之日 [註三]。

Other subsidiary legislation is first published in the Gazette and then laid on the table of the Council at its meetings. The Council may amend a piece of subsidiary legislation by a resolution passed at a Council meeting held not later than 28 days after the meeting at which it was so laid. This period for scrutinizing and amending subsidiary legislation is called the vetting period.

Unless otherwise provided for in the subsidiary legislation concerned, a piece of subsidiary legislation comes into operation on the day it is published in the Gazette. It continues to operate unless a resolution to amend it has been passed and until the date of publication in the Gazette of such a resolution.

