
HKAM問卷調查- 初期報告 (先看留言)


  • 2016年6月29日醫學會在立法會外靜坐,同日香港醫學專科學院發出聲明,公開支持政府。
  • 2016年6月30日,小弟在下午收到大量醫生短訊,宣示不滿並向我尋求協助,在下午6時我以個人身份向醫生發出電子問卷。


  • 用谷歌網上程式,設立電子問卷 http://bit.ly/surveytoHKAM2016,在2016年6月30日6 時開始收集數據。
  • 問題包括:
    • (Q1) Do you agree HKAM to represent you, as one of 7300+ HKAM fellows, in the Medical Council?
    • (Q2) Do you agree that HKAM has a special role in the Medical Council, because of a statutory body to ensure the quality and standard of medical practitioners in HK?
    • (Q3) Do you agree HKAM to support the Government's proposal at this stage?
    • (Q4) Do you agree that HKAM should hope the proposed reform of Medical Council would finally take place in order for the Medical Council to function more effectively and efficiently in the future?
    • (Q5) Do you agree HKAM to publicize the statement on behalf of fellows without proper survey or collection of opinion?
    • (Q6) Do you agree to call for an EGM to clarify the current situation?
    • Surname, Given Name
    • Working place
    • MCHK Registration number
    • MCHK specialist registration number
    • College
    • Email address
    • Other comments

  • 親自核對每一個回應,翻查醫委會網頁,核對醫生名字、基本註冊編號、專科醫生註冊編號、和專科學院。
  • 如有懷疑個案,會發一個電郵給那一位醫生,去澄清疑問。
  • 一個人,共花了XX小時核對資料。
  • 由2016年6月30日18:00 至今,
  • 一共收到超過    1000 份回覆,
    • 空白:        T/F
    • 重覆:        T/F
    • 沒填名字:T/F
    • 資料錯誤:T/F
    • 不是fellow: T/F             
    • 有效數目:T/F
  • 其他意見 (英文字母排列)

    1. Adding members of council , especially layman , would not increase efficiency of the council and especially on medical issues or accidents
    2. A pre-mature and disurespectful response from HKAM, not even try to seek opinions from fellows.
    3. appointed member : elected members = 1:1
    4. Better to arrange some formal survey because all information here are available from the internet and the validity of this sort of survey may be challenged by the academy administration.
    5. Can we seek legal advice on the act of HKAM to publish this letter for "represent" all fellows without obtaining a consent
    6. Can't represent us without proper discussion. 我們不被代表
    7. Clarification from MCHK on the current issue is mandatory
    8. Don't support the proposal
    9. Donald Li should resign for abusing his powers!
    10. EGM ASAP , to be held after Office Hours
    11. Extremely disappointed with HKAM autocratic manner
    12. felt insulted to be represented in this way
    13. Given the diverse views from the medical profession on the various proposed amendments, HKAM should only confine its comment on the part related to its role in the MC.
    14. HKAM accrediting specialists does not translate into representation
    15. HKAM cannot present me in the issue on medical council reform
    16. HKAM could only reflect my professionalism in clinical aspect and nothing else, particularly political views and decisions!!!
    17. HKAM does not represent me!
    18. HKAM is a professional institution for the training of post-graduate doctors, recognition of standard achieved and continuous education. It should stay politically neutral and up-keep the significance of professional autonomy. The current bill in question is just a political action not related to our professional standard, so stay out of the business since
    19. HKAM does not have our mandate to represent us in these issues.
    20. HkAM not represent us ,only for medical qualification register only
    21. HKAM is only a Academic organization. It has no right to represent it's members on any opinion besides academic accreditation.
    22. HKAM should not make public statement without having survey among members. An
    23. EGM should be called for to cancel the statement and a survey should be held to collect members' opinions about medical council reform. 
    24. HKAM should not represent us without any survey.
    25. HKAM should withdraw this statement.
    26. HKAM should withdraw her statement and do a proper survey on members' view first.
    27. HKAM must do proper survey before making any public statements
    28. HKAM need to withdraw the 29June 2016 letter as no survey has been performed. The person who had posted the letter should apology. HkAM should apologize to the all doctors and fellows
    29. I absolutely obliged with the power & authority of the Academy in maintaining &control of the education & academic standards of the fellows! But I disagreed that it can represent my voice regarding this issue without asking!
    30. I am very angry about HKAM announcing the statement supporting the government without even doing a poll among its members asking for our views and opinions. And who is that to do this from behind?
    31. I didn't receive the email from HKAM informing us about the position statement. This is odd as I used to receive emails from HKAM with regard to newsletter, announcement ...etc. The next thing I got is already the EGM email. I am just wondering if the missing of such an important email is a coincidence or HKAM is trying to bypass the Fellows
    32. I do not support government proposal on the hkmc
    33. I do not trust the current chief executive (ie, Mr CY Leung) and his team.
    34. I don't agree on the addition of extra lay persons In the medical council.
    35. I feel disappointed for HKAM to publish this statement for the HKMC reform without conducting proper survey to the fellows. This statement is certainly invalid.
    36. I personally absolutely object the government proposal, how can HKAM present me without asking me about my opinion beforehand?
    37. I strongly disagree to the publicize the position statement of the HKAM on behalf of the fellows without any survey or collection of opinions!
    38. I think the college should support the establishment of independent PIC to facilitate the hearing of complaints
    39. I would support the gov bill if the power to elect HKAM representative to MCHK is returned to all specialists
    40. If finally HKAM has representative in Medical Council, that one should be elected by all fellows.
    41. If HKAM not respect the fellow opinion, and only want to serve the government; I suggest fellow should not submit their annual fee next year as HKAM has lost its function to safeguard of HK medical profession quality.
    42. In the letter dated 19 April 2016 to all Fellows from HKAM, in the last paragraph, we were asked to take note of the development and express our views if a consultation process IS established. However, I don't think I have received a formal consultation from HKAM in these months
    43. Issue such statement will confuse the public about the stand point of local specialists. The academy should never issue any position statement without call upon or proper inform all the fellows. In addition, the academy cannot represent fellow in Medical Council because we are not being informed or asked to vote for such representatives in the Council. Moreover, such representative is a 小圈子選舉。
    44. It is a very rude and stupid action that HKAM gave the position statement without asking our opinion .HKAM is not representing me, at least in this issue. I strongly request HKAM give our fellows a good explanation on this issue.
    45. It's outrageous to publish something on our behalf without our consent
    46. May I request the HKAM to have a proper survey among the specialists before making important decisions and supporting the Government's proposals?
    47. No one can represent me on this ultra major problem, I strongly against the government proposal on adding four layman and need of approval of Leung CY!
    48. One doctor one vote to elect the representative in MCHK
    49. Outrageous!
    50. Our council oppose the bill of amendment, I do not understand why HKAM told the public that we support it. This is frankly a lie.
    51. Petition to sue HKAM for making a statement on our behalf without prior consent
    52. Please ask HKAM president to explain the way to get consensus from all colleges. From secretary phone's reply, an email was sent to president of each colleges. It presumed that the president agreed to support statement if no reply from the president, like an opt-in policy. She cannot confirm that every president is well received before the statement announced.
    53. Please DO NOT publicize anything without consulting your fellows what they think or allowing them enough time to respond
    54. please do proper survey before making statement.
    55. Please don't represent me
    56. Please have a complete survey before any public statement
    57. Proposal: Paid expert opinion to fasten the process for patient‘s complaints
    58. Regret HKAM on issuing the above statement without the fellows consensus
    59. Should not be appointed by the government. Can either be elected by popular vote or appointed by a council elected by popular vote.
    60. Support EGM
    61. Thanks Pierre. Any specific symbolic icon for the current protest like 「怒」?
    62. The act of HKAM is totally unacceptable.
    63. The HKAM should not speak for all the fellows without proper and thorough survey.
    64. The now proposed reform had a lot of room for further discussion
    65. The opinion expressed in the HKAM statement signify the kind of representation the Academy will present at the HK Medical Council - usurping the number represented while not taking the trouble to consult those whom they claim to represent.
    66. The position statement is an expression of political stand. I want to see HKAM continue serve s as an academic body to maintain the professional standard. I do not want to see
    67. HKAM becomes a political body. In the future, when I vote for the council member, I want to vote someone whom I trust his / her ability to maintain the standard, not someone who shares same political stand of myself.
    68. The president of HKAM should resign.
    69. This is ridiculous for HKAM to announce this statement Without notifying the fellow members!
    70. There are also concerns about the unusually short consultation period (months) and intended hasty enactment of the Bill and the outcry of hk doctor have NOT been addressed
      • (1) HK made No reference to the details of the proposed Bill;
      • (2) HKAM did not explain why they thought the Government proposal is the best
      • (3) HKAM did not explain why they did not accept Dr Leung Ka Lau ( our Legco representative) 's proposal which includes 6 laymen into HK Medical Council ( even more laymen); 
      • (4) HKAM has not addressed to the concerns and worries from the Medical Professionals 
      • (5) HKAM failed to address the issue of how to safeguard Professional Independence and how to prevent it from manipulation from the Government or other external sources
    72. Very disappointed at this false statement without proper consultation 
    73. Very disappointed in the HKAM
    74. We need good consciousness for our profession
    75. We should call an EGM to pass a vote of non confidence on our Academy President
    76. We want to have our vote on who to represent us!
    77. What justifies HKAM to represent all of us without asking for a poll / vote beforehand?!
    78. You make up a crisis
    79. 整個所謂改革只是為了引入大陸醫生,嚴重影響香港醫療質素。HKAM 未經諮詢會員擅自表達立場,可恥至極。
    80. 被代表,我感到非常憤怒及驚訝
  • T/F
  • 請繼續叫專科醫生填問卷 http://bit.ly/surveytoHKAM2016,仍然繼續收集數據,直至2016年7月16日12:00 止,14:00在醫專大樓開召開緊急會員大會。

