現在是做實事的時候,一票一票的去拉,直至九月四日投票日,你會支持我… 一起去打邊爐嗎?
EA Reference No. 001-0014
Date of Production/Printing/ Publication: 2016.7.30
Self production
- 十八年前的推薦信 2018-08-14
- 黑色煲呔 2018-09-14
- 肝可度,腸可量,唯有人心不可防。2018-11-04
- 約仔爺食晏 2020-01-03
- 肺炎系列 (四十四) 等待政府舊聞公報 2020-02-04
為何參選? 「不在其位,難謀其政」
- 在出任會長兩年,我深刻體會到要為醫生業界爭取權益,以及改善醫療體系,只由一個公立醫生工會去推動有不少限制和困難。
- 另外,在醫務委員會改革事件,政府有關當局誤導市民,分化醫生與病人,製造矛盾,使我非常痛心;
- 這促使我下定決心,晉身立法會,在議會內為業界發聲,為港人做事。
- 我是一個土生土長的香港屋邨仔,在香港成長、讀書、工作、成家立室。
- 在足球場上,我打右中場,須兼顧助攻及防守,深明團隊合作之重要。如成功當選後,本人承諾會跟不同黨派議員多溝通,維護「業界權益、市民及香港健康」,共同向政府爭取改善公共事務。
- 如有幸獲業界及市民支持,當選後,我會轉為半職公立醫院醫生,繼續了解同業及病人的需要。
- 本人承諾會定期「落區」接觸醫生及牙醫,亦會跟不同的醫生組織會面,聽取業界聲音,把業界將寶貴的意見帶入議會。
- 「我,陳沛然Pierre 係你立法會裡面嘅最佳隊友」。
- 多謝18位提名小弟的名醫們,包括:
- 我的師父仔爺;
- 余教授、梁教授、潘教授、黃教授;
- 袁醫生、歐醫生、曾醫生;
- 各位工會學會領袖:楊醫生、郭醫生、蕭醫生、王醫生、董醫生;
- 牙醫梁醫生會長、政府牙醫杜醫生、大學牙醫梁醫生、和私家牙醫衛醫生。
- 你知道為何是18位呢?
- 感謝我的太太,她說無論我決定參選與否、結果如何,都會支持我。順便一提,我穿的西裝,是當年為結婚而訂做的,十分有紀念價值。
- 多謝我的前上司王醫生。
- 感恩,希望上天給我的能力,可以「撐醫生、護病人、香港要健康」。
- 上午返工巡病房、看門診,下午請半天假;
- 下午交表,有驚無險,又到四點;
- 黃昏繼續填表,天下間那裡有這麼多的表格呢?
- 晚上要去拉票;
- 再晚上趕去踢波,有一個入球。 (不要告訴我的選舉經理,因為我還有很多功課未交,偷偷地出去踢波,哈。)
- 身為足球員,踢波是十分合理的,對嗎?
EA Reference No. 001-0009
Date of Production/Printing/ Publication: 2016.7.26
Self production
致: 港聞採訪主任
現誠邀 貴新聞機構派員採訪,詳情如下:
日期: |
2016年7月26日(星期二) |
時間: |
下午2時 |
地點: |
香港添美道2號政府總部東翼地下 |
- 2000年香港大學醫學院畢業,在瑪麗醫院工作10年,
轉到律敦治醫院亦已 5年多,現職內科副顧問醫生及腸胃肝臟科專科醫生。 - 2006年加入香港公共醫療醫生協會,於2014年當上會長,2
016 年以歷年最高票數當選醫務委員會的選舉委員。愛好踢足球、寫網頁、寫專欄,喜歡跟三個女兒玩耍和看圖書。 - 出任會長兩年期間,積極發動醫生聯署及靜坐行動,
為醫管局醫生成功緊守薪酬不會跟公務員脱鈎,額外加薪 3% 。
傳媒查詢: 陳沛然立法會競選辦公室聯絡人 Ms Gloria Ho |
手機 : 9401xxxx |
電郵:chanpierre2016@gmail.com EA Reference No. 005-0005 Date of Production/Printing/ Publication: 2016.7.23 Self production |
E週刊專欄 - 五種愛的方式 (陳沛然醫生)
之前參加了一個很好的親子教育課程,在這裏裡跟大家分享。課程共有五課,包括建立穩固的根基、滿足兒女的需求、為兒女立界線、培養健康的情緒、和記住最終目標。在第二課滿足兒女的需求中,介紹五種愛的方式:一對一的時間 (陪)、肯定的言詞 (讚)、肢體的接觸 (抱)、精心的禮物 (買)、和服務的行動 (幫)。功課是要回家問問自己的女兒,在五種愛的方式中,哪一種最能感到被愛?也按重要性順序排列。
我跟很多醫生一樣,都害怕香港醫務委員會議 (簡稱醫委會) 研訊,一來是怕惹上官非,二來我曾在專欄指出,根據醫委會年報,被告醫生在研訊中定罪率超過九成,可以說九死一生 [8]。
醫委會其中一項功能是研訊,在《醫生註冊條例》第161章21乙條目 ,有清晰的規則,我為大家解釋一下。
1) 審裁委員團有五至六人 (義務的,沒有人工或車馬費)
- 1a) 五名醫委會委員;或
- 1b) 不少於三名醫委會委員,以及兩名來自「非醫委會」人士組成審裁顧問委員團;
- 1c) 成員中最少一名須是業外委員;
- 1d) 過半數的審裁委員團須是註冊醫生。
- 醫委會法律顧問一名;
- 醫委會秘書一名、助理秘書兩名;
- 即時翻譯員兩名 (如果需要以非英語作供);
- 茶水部主管洪哥。
- 被告醫生一名;
- 辯方律師,及助手;
- 辯方醫生專家証人;
- 控方律師,及助手;
- 控方醫生專家証人;
第(2)至(4)人物都是受薪的,(1) 審裁委員團全是義務的。
- 在黃竹坑醫專大樓四樓。
- 由於場地不足是聆訊時間長九個塞車黑點之一,故此有人問可否租用醫專大樓其他地方、甚至酒店用作研訊?
- 我說可能性不大,因為場地設施要包括可以容納二十人以上的大圓枱、咪和播音系統連錄音、一間房給即時翻譯員、一間房給醫委會秘書處、一間房給審裁委員團、控辯雙方各一間房,即是共要六間房。
- 星期一至日七天,朝九晚六,可以因應情況加時。
- 研訊最短可以半天,最長可以超過十天。
- 最令人叫救命的是,如果研訊在連續星期六日兩天朝九晚六開庭,然後星期一照常上班。
- 研訊不一定可以連續幾天進行,為了確保公正和延續性,同一個案要相同人物出現,所以要約下一個研訊日期,都要約齊以上(1)至(4)人物共十多人,還要有場地。
- 例如第一天聆訊在六月,第二天是七月中星期六,第三天是星期日,再約第四天已經是過了暑假九月頭,第五天將會是十月中了。頭尾已經花了五個月。
- 像真法庭一樣嚴謹。
- 所有文件規格是法律文件,一大疊,長篇大論,很多很多英文啦。
- 以英文為主要語言,可以要求用中文,但是事先要安排即時翻譯員。
醫生歡迎非業界委員,我覺得他們令醫委會更加有公信力,其他專業委員會未必有非業界委員。 在一天研訊朝九晚六,而我每次都會向非業界委員道謝。
實習記者 陳沛然醫生報導
- 醫委會改革專題報導網站
- What is MCHK? 什麼是醫委會?
- 政府提高委任比例是出於政治考慮?
- 我支持張生張太伸冤
- 「混淆視聽」「魚目混珠、偷換概念」「有明顯利益衝突」
- 給張宇人議員的公開信
- 張宇人道歉,但沒有收回「標時死更多病人論」
- 請女兒十年後不要在香港讀醫科
- 我是「多餘醫生」
- 速讀的技巧
- 醫醫相衛?
- 米豬蓮兩星級的香港醫療
- 醫生十年之鳥盡弓藏
- 釘牌的後裔
- HKAM問卷調查- 中期報告
- 改革醫委會草案未能通過之後
1) 拉倒醫委會改革草案,是三輸的局面。我不相信醫生業界跟全港市民利益存在矛盾,醫生跟病人本來同坐一條船。
2) 我支持醫療改革,包括醫委會改革。
3) 我反對的由政府提出「假改革」,對政府和親政府的人全力抹黑醫生十分反感,相信要花很長時間,才能修補由政府造成的撕裂。
4) 我認為現在醫委會內可以做得更多,去回應市民病人的訴求,所以我才爭取直選入醫委會。相信有行政方法加快處理投訴時間,包括:加快拿醫療報告、加快獨立專家意見、加快法律意見、加快排期、場地安排。
5) 我承諾,會以醫生和醫委會直選委會身份,努力推動「真正的醫委會改革」。
6) 感謝騮哥多年來的努力,支持騮哥。
1. 我是足球員,又演過戲做茄哩啡,又沒甚文化,也是專欄作家,最適合去選「體育、演藝、文化及出版界功能界別」。我的副業是電腦程式員,「資訊科技界功能界別」也可以。
2. 我喜歡吃飯,但是不是泛民,從未加入任何政黨,也從未能接觸任何一位泛民議員,3%時我都想要所有立法會議員電話號碼伸冤,結果都是沒有。
3. 什麼是「贏在起跑線?」就是未報名就話你贏,救命x1。
最慘的是我在寫經濟日報專欄,但是卻沒有權限看到全文,救命 x2 啊。
1. 我是足球員,又演過戲做茄哩啡,又沒甚文化,也是專欄作家,最適合去選「體育、演藝、文化及出版界功能界別」。我的副業是電腦程式員,「資訊科技界功能界別」也可以。
2. 我喜歡吃飯,但是不是泛民,從未加入任何政黨,也從未能接觸任何一位泛民議員,3%時我都想要所有立法會議員電話號碼伸冤,結果都是沒有。
3. 什麼是「贏在起跑線?」就是未報名就話你贏,救命x1。
最慘的是我在寫經濟日報專欄,但是卻沒有權限看到全文,救命 x2 啊。
怎樣才能增加對公共醫療的資源投放?政府不會額外為醫療增加「經常」開支,市民病人不肯加稅,有善長總理每年捐一百億給醫管局改善醫療質素嗎? 香港醫療沒有「居屋醫院」或「直資診所」, 用者自付是否公共醫療的出路呢?
「45min 火鍋,都唔算慢慢地!」
0800-0900 趕了一篇稿
0900-1330 巡病房和看門診
1330-1530 趕去開醫委會
1530-1700 趕回醫院
1700-1830 趕及寫好網站第二草稿
1830-2000 向學院老闆和電腦公司負責人,講解建議新網站設計
2000-2100 趕開另一緊急會議
2130-2200 趕回家看看女兒和太太
2215-2300 一個人慢慢地吃火鍋
2300-2400 趕回去寫網站交功課
(說笑版) 唔駛急,最緊要快。
(認真版) 答案是專心和感恩,能力都是上天所賜的,希望能用在撑同事和幫病人。
- 十五年前,政府曾開動輿論機器說 我是「多餘醫生」,要人工減半、乞求工作。
- 十三年前,「多餘醫生」被推入沙士戰場,我沒有退縮。
- 十二年前,醫管局推出「肥雞餐」,請走超過1000名醫生護士,剩下來的工作,由「多餘醫生」加辛處理。當年都是急症室爆滿、病房爆滿、流感高峰期、門診輪候時間長。
- 十多年來,「多餘醫生」每星期工作超過70小時、連續當值36小時,也捱過了。
- 十年前,公務員減薪,政府又開動輿論機器說 醫生跟公務員「掛鈎」,所以醫生一定要減人工。
- 五年前,眼見有很多「多餘醫生」沒有訓練機會、不能續約、心灰意冷,心情就像十個救火的少年。
- 半年前,公務員獲額外加人工,在 2015年 10月13至17日 的一星期中,政府派出行會成員、局長副局長、某些傳媒機器,政府再三開動輿論機器說 醫生跟公務員「已經脱鈎」。
- 今天,為了醫委會改革,政府的輿論機器又再啟動 ,全力抹黑醫生。各位官員、議員、和打手啊,
- 為何你們要這樣對待照顧你們和你家人的醫生呢?
- 為何你們平日要打電話、放下咭片、找我們幫助時,又有另一張嘴臉呢?
E週刊專欄 - 醫生十年之鳥盡弓藏(陳沛然醫生)
在《2016 年醫生註冊(修訂)條例草案》,立法會參考資料摘要引言中,清楚點出修訂目的是便利非本地培訓醫生(特別是專科醫生)到港執業,並再一次開動輿論機器抹黑醫生。我曾經親耳聽到,希望吸引港人子女40多歲非本地培訓的醫生回港執業,我當場駁斥說,我和我的同學師兄妹也是40多歲有經驗的本地培訓專科醫生,為何要鳥盡弓藏,兔死狗烹?
- 我支持張生張太伸冤。
- 蔡明欣(醫生)是英國名牌大學畢業的海外醫生,當年回歸前不用考香港執業試,就可以免試回港行醫,曾在中文大學威爾斯親王醫院婦產科工作。
- 當年有權決定不受理的人,只有 醫委會初級偵訊委員會 小組主席或副主席有此權力,即是 劉允怡教授 、霍泰輝教授或羅致廉醫生,而劉允怡教授和霍泰輝教授跟蔡明欣一樣,也是在中文大學工作的。劉允怡教授由2006至2011年任醫委會初級偵訊委員會小組主席,在2012年升任為醫委會主席。
- 2008年至2009年,案件已進入司法程序,醫委會不能同時開庭。
- 2009年至2014年1月,是5年時間。
- 涉案醫生只有四五個人,不是全香港醫生「醫醫相衛」。
- 在2012年的DR美容事故,我們醫生也很想為病人伸冤,至今2016年仍未開庭審,法庭未完案前,醫委會不能開庭。
山雞 = C, 每隻有1個頭和2隻腳
黃狼 = W, 每隻有1個頭和4隻腳
九頭鳥 = B, 每隻有9個頭和2隻腳
第一條件是100個頭:1C+1W+9B = 100
第二條件是100隻腳:2C+4W+2B = 100
[1] 簡化數式
2C+4W+2B = 100
1C+2W+1B = 50
[2] 數式相減
(1C+1W+9B) - (1C+2W+1B) = 100 -50
8B-W = 50
8B-50 = W
[3] 仔細觀察
看看 (1C+1W+9B = 100),B 不可能超過10
看看 8B-50 = W,B 最少是 7
那麼將B的可能性縮減至 = 7, 8, 9, 10
[4] 試試看
如果 B=7, (8B-50 = W) W=6, (1C+1W+9B = 100), C = 31 >> 但第二條件是100隻腳 2C+4W+2B = 100 成立。
如果 B=8, (8B-50 = W) W=14, (1C+1W+9B = 100), C = 14 >> 第二條件是100隻腳 2C+4W+2B = 100 成立。
[5] 答案有兩個
山雞 = C, 每隻有2個頭和3隻腳
黃狼 = W, 每隻有2個頭和5隻腳
九頭鳥 = B, 每隻有10個頭和3隻腳
第一條件是100個頭:2C+2W+10B = 100
第二條件是100隻腳:3C+5W+3B = 100
[1] 簡化數式
1C+1W+5B = 50
3C+5W+3B = 100
[2] 數式相減
(1C+1W+5B)*3 - (3C+5W+3B) = 150 - 100
12B-2W = 50
W = 6B-25
[3] 仔細觀察
看看 (2C+2W+10B = 100),B 不可能超過9
看看 W = 6B-25,B 最少是 5
那麼將B的可能性縮減至 = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
[4] 試試看
30隻 (山雞有20隻、黃狼有5隻和九頭鳥有5隻。)
26隻 (山雞有9隻、黃狼有11隻和九頭鳥有6隻。)
30隻 (山雞有20隻、黃狼有5隻和九頭鳥有5隻。)
26隻 (山雞有9隻、黃狼有11隻和九頭鳥有6隻。)
森林裡現在最多還有幾隻動物? 最終答案是30隻。
更新版本: 22:54
更新版本: 22:54
HKAM問卷調查- 中期報告
- 2016年6月29日醫學會在立法會外靜坐,同日香港醫學專科學院發出聲明,公開支持政府。
- 2016年6月30日,小弟在下午收到大量醫生短訊,宣示不滿並向我尋求協助,在下午6時我以個人身份向醫生發出電子問卷。
- 用谷歌網上程式,設立電子問
- 問卷是用英文,問題包括:
- (Q1) Do you agree HKAM to represent you, as one of 7300+ HKAM fellows, in the Medical Council?
- (Q2) Do you agree that HKAM has a special role in the Medical Council, because of a statutory body to ensure the quality and standard of medical practitioners in HK?
- (Q3) Do you agree HKAM to support the Government's proposal at this stage?
- (Q4) Do you agree that HKAM should hope the proposed reform of Medical Council would finally take place in order for the Medical Council to function more effectively and efficiently in the future?
- (Q5) Do you agree HKAM to publicize the statement on behalf of fellows without proper survey or collection of opinion?
- (Q6) Do you agree to call for an EGM to clarify the current situation?
- Surname, Given Name
- Working place
- MCHK Registration number
- MCHK specialist registration number
- College
- Email address
- Other comments
- 親自核對每一個回應,翻查醫委會網頁,核對醫生名字、基本註冊編號、專科醫生註冊編號、和專科學院。
- 如有懷疑個案,會發一個電郵給那一位醫生,去澄清疑問。
- 一個人共花了10小時核對資料。
- 由2016年6月30日18:00 至 2016年7月3日18:00 共72小時內,
- 一共收到超過 1030 份回覆,
- 空白: 10
- 重覆: 19
- 資料錯誤: 83
- 不是fellow: 153
- 有效數目:765 (截至2016年7月3日18:00)
- 六條問題的回覆數據如下表:
- (Q1) 75.2% 受訪的專科醫生不同意 香港醫學專科學院 (醫專) 能代表他。
- (Q2) 71.0% 受訪的專科醫生同意醫專的法定功能是確保香港專科醫生的質素和水平。
- (Q3) 97.8% 受訪的專科醫生不同意醫專支持政府增加四名業外委員的建議。
- (Q4) 77.0% 受訪的專科醫生不同意醫專希望醫委會的改革修訂建議最終獲得通過。
- (Q5) 94.6% 受訪的專科醫生不同意醫專在未有向院士會員調查或意見收集前發出立場聲明。
- (Q6) 93.6% 受訪的專科醫生同意召開緊急會員大會。
(英文字母排列)- Adding members of council , especially layman , would not increase efficiency of the council and especially on medical issues or accidents
- A pre-mature and disurespectful response from HKAM, not even try to seek opinions from fellows.
- appointed member : elected members = 1:1
- Better to arrange some formal survey because all information here are available from the internet and the validity of this sort of survey may be challenged by the academy administration.
- Can we seek legal advice on the act of HKAM to publish this letter for "represent" all fellows without obtaining a consent
- Can't represent us without proper discussion. 我們不被代表
- Clarification from MCHK on the current issue is mandatory
- Don't support the proposal
- Donald Li should resign for abusing his powers!
- EGM ASAP , to be held after Office Hours
- Extremely disappointed with HKAM autocratic manner
- felt insulted to be represented in this way
- Given the diverse views from the medical profession on the various proposed amendments, HKAM should only confine its comment on the part related to its role in the MC.
- HKAM accrediting specialists does not translate into representation
- HKAM cannot present me in the issue on medical council reform
- HKAM could only reflect my professionalism in clinical aspect and nothing else, particularly political views and decisions!!!
- HKAM does not represent me!
- HKAM is a professional institution for the training of post-graduate doctors, recognition of standard achieved and continuous education. It should stay politically neutral and up-keep the significance of professional autonomy. The current bill in question is just a political action not related to our professional standard, so stay out of the business since
- HKAM does not have our mandate to represent us in these issues.
- HkAM not represent us ,only for medical qualification register only
- HKAM is only a Academic organization. It has no right to represent it's members on any opinion besides academic accreditation.
- HKAM should not make public statement without having survey among members. An
- EGM should be called for to cancel the statement and a survey should be held to collect members' opinions about medical council reform.
- HKAM should not represent us without any survey.
- HKAM should withdraw this statement.
- HKAM should withdraw her statement and do a proper survey on members' view first.
- HKAM must do proper survey before making any public statements
- HKAM need to withdraw the 29June 2016 letter as no survey has been performed. The person who had posted the letter should apology. HkAM should apologize to the all doctors and fellows
- I absolutely obliged with the power & authority of the Academy in maintaining &control of the education & academic standards of the fellows! But I disagreed that it can represent my voice regarding this issue without asking!
- I am very angry about HKAM announcing the statement supporting the government without even doing a poll among its members asking for our views and opinions. And who is that to do this from behind?
- I didn't receive the email from HKAM informing us about the position statement. This is odd as I used to receive emails from HKAM with regard to newsletter, announcement ...etc. The next thing I got is already the EGM email. I am just wondering if the missing of such an important email is a coincidence or HKAM is trying to bypass the Fellows
- I do not support government proposal on the hkmc
- I do not trust the current chief executive (ie, Mr CY Leung) and his team.
- I don't agree on the addition of extra lay persons In the medical council.
- I feel disappointed for HKAM to publish this statement for the HKMC reform without conducting proper survey to the fellows. This statement is certainly invalid.
- I personally absolutely object the government proposal, how can HKAM present me without asking me about my opinion beforehand?
- I strongly disagree to the publicize the position statement of the HKAM on behalf of the fellows without any survey or collection of opinions!
- I think the college should support the establishment of independent PIC to facilitate the hearing of complaints
- I would support the gov bill if the power to elect HKAM representative to MCHK is returned to all specialists
- If finally HKAM has representative in Medical Council, that one should be elected by all fellows.
- If HKAM not respect the fellow opinion, and only want to serve the government; I suggest fellow should not submit their annual fee next year as HKAM has lost its function to safeguard of HK medical profession quality.
- In the letter dated 19 April 2016 to all Fellows from HKAM, in the last paragraph, we were asked to take note of the development and express our views if a consultation process IS established. However, I don't think I have received a formal consultation from HKAM in these months
- Issue such statement will confuse the public about the stand point of local specialists. The academy should never issue any position statement without call upon or proper inform all the fellows. In addition, the academy cannot represent fellow in Medical Council because we are not being informed or asked to vote for such representatives in the Council. Moreover, such representative is a 小圈子選舉。
- It is a very rude and stupid action that HKAM gave the position statement without asking our opinion .HKAM is not representing me, at least in this issue. I strongly request HKAM give our fellows a good explanation on this issue.
- It's outrageous to publish something on our behalf without our consent
- May I request the HKAM to have a proper survey among the specialists before making important decisions and supporting the Government's proposals?
- No one can represent me on this ultra major problem, I strongly against the government proposal on adding four layman and need of approval of Leung CY!
- One doctor one vote to elect the representative in MCHK
- Outrageous!
- Our council oppose the bill of amendment, I do not understand why HKAM told the public that we support it. This is frankly a lie.
- Petition to sue HKAM for making a statement on our behalf without prior consent
- Please ask HKAM president to explain the way to get consensus from all colleges. From secretary phone's reply, an email was sent to president of each colleges. It presumed that the president agreed to support statement if no reply from the president, like an opt-in policy. She cannot confirm that every president is well received before the statement announced.
- Please DO NOT publicize anything without consulting your fellows what they think or allowing them enough time to respond
- please do proper survey before making statement.
- Please don't represent me
- Please have a complete survey before any public statement
- Proposal: Paid expert opinion to fasten the process for patient‘s complaints
- Regret HKAM on issuing the above statement without the fellows consensus
- Should not be appointed by the government. Can either be elected by popular vote or appointed by a council elected by popular vote.
- Support EGM
- Thanks Pierre. Any specific symbolic icon for the current protest like 「怒」?
- The act of HKAM is totally unacceptable.
- The HKAM should not speak for all the fellows without proper and thorough survey.
- The now proposed reform had a lot of room for further discussion
- The opinion expressed in the HKAM statement signify the kind of representation the Academy will present at the HK Medical Council - usurping the number represented while not taking the trouble to consult those whom they claim to represent.
- The position statement is an expression of political stand. I want to see HKAM continue serve s as an academic body to maintain the professional standard. I do not want to see
- HKAM becomes a political body. In the future, when I vote for the council member, I want to vote someone whom I trust his / her ability to maintain the standard, not someone who shares same political stand of myself.
- The president of HKAM should resign.
- This is ridiculous for HKAM to announce this statement Without notifying the fellow members!
- There are also concerns about the unusually short consultation period (months) and intended hasty enactment of the Bill and the outcry of hk doctor have NOT been addressed
- (1) HK made No reference to the details of the proposed Bill;
- (2) HKAM did not explain why they thought the Government proposal is the best
- (3) HKAM did not explain why they did not accept Dr Leung Ka Lau ( our Legco representative) 's proposal which includes 6 laymen into HK Medical Council ( even more laymen);
- (4) HKAM has not addressed to the concerns and worries from the Medical Professionals
- (5) HKAM failed to address the issue of how to safeguard Professional Independence and how to prevent it from manipulation from the Government or other external sources
- Very disappointed at this false statement without proper consultation
- Very disappointed in the HKAM
- We need good consciousness for our profession
- We should call an EGM to pass a vote of non confidence on our Academy President
- We want to have our vote on who to represent us!
- What justifies HKAM to represent all of us without asking for a poll / vote beforehand?!
- You make up a crisis
- 整個所謂改革只是為了引入大陸醫生,嚴重影響香港醫療質素。HKAM 未經諮詢會員擅自表達立場,可恥至極。
- 被代表,我感到非常憤怒及驚訝
- 醫專在2016年6月29日關於 2016 年醫生註冊(修訂)條例草案立場聲明中的四點中,大部份受訪的專科醫生不同意其中三項。
- 94.6% 受訪的專科醫生不同意醫專在未有向院士會員調查或意見收集前發出立場聲明。
- 93.6% 受訪的專科醫生同意召開緊急會員大會。
- 請其他專科醫生填問卷 http://bit.ly/surveytoHKAM2016,直至2016年7月16日12:00 止,14:00在醫專大樓開召開緊急會員大會。
HKAM問卷調查- 初期報告 (先看留言)
- 2016年6月29日醫學會在立法會外靜坐,同日香港醫學專科學院發出聲明,公開支持政府。
- 2016年6月30日,小弟在下午收到大量醫生短訊,宣示不滿並向我尋求協助,在下午6時我以個人身份向醫生發出電子問卷。
- 用谷歌網上程式,設立電子問卷 http://bit.ly/surveytoHKAM2016,在2016年6月30日6 時開始收集數據。
- 問題包括:
- (Q1) Do you agree HKAM to represent you, as one of 7300+ HKAM fellows, in the Medical Council?
- (Q2) Do you agree that HKAM has a special role in the Medical Council, because of a statutory body to ensure the quality and standard of medical practitioners in HK?
- (Q3) Do you agree HKAM to support the Government's proposal at this stage?
- (Q4) Do you agree that HKAM should hope the proposed reform of Medical Council would finally take place in order for the Medical Council to function more effectively and efficiently in the future?
- (Q5) Do you agree HKAM to publicize the statement on behalf of fellows without proper survey or collection of opinion?
- (Q6) Do you agree to call for an EGM to clarify the current situation?
- Surname, Given Name
- Working place
- MCHK Registration number
- MCHK specialist registration number
- College
- Email address
- Other comments
- 親自核對每一個回應,翻查醫委會網頁,核對醫生名字、基本註冊編號、專科醫生註冊編號、和專科學院。
- 如有懷疑個案,會發一個電郵給那一位醫生,去澄清疑問。
- 一個人,共花了XX小時核對資料。
- 由2016年6月30日18:00 至今,
- 一共收到超過 1000 份回覆,
- 空白: T/F
- 重覆: T/F
- 沒填名字:T/F
- 資料錯誤:T/F
- 不是fellow: T/F
- 有效數目:T/F
- 其他意見 (英文字母排列)
- Adding members of council , especially layman , would not increase efficiency of the council and especially on medical issues or accidents
- A pre-mature and disurespectful response from HKAM, not even try to seek opinions from fellows.
- appointed member : elected members = 1:1
- Better to arrange some formal survey because all information here are available from the internet and the validity of this sort of survey may be challenged by the academy administration.
- Can we seek legal advice on the act of HKAM to publish this letter for "represent" all fellows without obtaining a consent
- Can't represent us without proper discussion. 我們不被代表
- Clarification from MCHK on the current issue is mandatory
- Don't support the proposal
- Donald Li should resign for abusing his powers!
- EGM ASAP , to be held after Office Hours
- Extremely disappointed with HKAM autocratic manner
- felt insulted to be represented in this way
- Given the diverse views from the medical profession on the various proposed amendments, HKAM should only confine its comment on the part related to its role in the MC.
- HKAM accrediting specialists does not translate into representation
- HKAM cannot present me in the issue on medical council reform
- HKAM could only reflect my professionalism in clinical aspect and nothing else, particularly political views and decisions!!!
- HKAM does not represent me!
- HKAM is a professional institution for the training of post-graduate doctors, recognition of standard achieved and continuous education. It should stay politically neutral and up-keep the significance of professional autonomy. The current bill in question is just a political action not related to our professional standard, so stay out of the business since
- HKAM does not have our mandate to represent us in these issues.
- HkAM not represent us ,only for medical qualification register only
- HKAM is only a Academic organization. It has no right to represent it's members on any opinion besides academic accreditation.
- HKAM should not make public statement without having survey among members. An
- EGM should be called for to cancel the statement and a survey should be held to collect members' opinions about medical council reform.
- HKAM should not represent us without any survey.
- HKAM should withdraw this statement.
- HKAM should withdraw her statement and do a proper survey on members' view first.
- HKAM must do proper survey before making any public statements
- HKAM need to withdraw the 29June 2016 letter as no survey has been performed. The person who had posted the letter should apology. HkAM should apologize to the all doctors and fellows
- I absolutely obliged with the power & authority of the Academy in maintaining &control of the education & academic standards of the fellows! But I disagreed that it can represent my voice regarding this issue without asking!
- I am very angry about HKAM announcing the statement supporting the government without even doing a poll among its members asking for our views and opinions. And who is that to do this from behind?
- I didn't receive the email from HKAM informing us about the position statement. This is odd as I used to receive emails from HKAM with regard to newsletter, announcement ...etc. The next thing I got is already the EGM email. I am just wondering if the missing of such an important email is a coincidence or HKAM is trying to bypass the Fellows
- I do not support government proposal on the hkmc
- I do not trust the current chief executive (ie, Mr CY Leung) and his team.
- I don't agree on the addition of extra lay persons In the medical council.
- I feel disappointed for HKAM to publish this statement for the HKMC reform without conducting proper survey to the fellows. This statement is certainly invalid.
- I personally absolutely object the government proposal, how can HKAM present me without asking me about my opinion beforehand?
- I strongly disagree to the publicize the position statement of the HKAM on behalf of the fellows without any survey or collection of opinions!
- I think the college should support the establishment of independent PIC to facilitate the hearing of complaints
- I would support the gov bill if the power to elect HKAM representative to MCHK is returned to all specialists
- If finally HKAM has representative in Medical Council, that one should be elected by all fellows.
- If HKAM not respect the fellow opinion, and only want to serve the government; I suggest fellow should not submit their annual fee next year as HKAM has lost its function to safeguard of HK medical profession quality.
- In the letter dated 19 April 2016 to all Fellows from HKAM, in the last paragraph, we were asked to take note of the development and express our views if a consultation process IS established. However, I don't think I have received a formal consultation from HKAM in these months
- Issue such statement will confuse the public about the stand point of local specialists. The academy should never issue any position statement without call upon or proper inform all the fellows. In addition, the academy cannot represent fellow in Medical Council because we are not being informed or asked to vote for such representatives in the Council. Moreover, such representative is a 小圈子選舉。
- It is a very rude and stupid action that HKAM gave the position statement without asking our opinion .HKAM is not representing me, at least in this issue. I strongly request HKAM give our fellows a good explanation on this issue.
- It's outrageous to publish something on our behalf without our consent
- May I request the HKAM to have a proper survey among the specialists before making important decisions and supporting the Government's proposals?
- No one can represent me on this ultra major problem, I strongly against the government proposal on adding four layman and need of approval of Leung CY!
- One doctor one vote to elect the representative in MCHK
- Outrageous!
- Our council oppose the bill of amendment, I do not understand why HKAM told the public that we support it. This is frankly a lie.
- Petition to sue HKAM for making a statement on our behalf without prior consent
- Please ask HKAM president to explain the way to get consensus from all colleges. From secretary phone's reply, an email was sent to president of each colleges. It presumed that the president agreed to support statement if no reply from the president, like an opt-in policy. She cannot confirm that every president is well received before the statement announced.
- Please DO NOT publicize anything without consulting your fellows what they think or allowing them enough time to respond
- please do proper survey before making statement.
- Please don't represent me
- Please have a complete survey before any public statement
- Proposal: Paid expert opinion to fasten the process for patient‘s complaints
- Regret HKAM on issuing the above statement without the fellows consensus
- Should not be appointed by the government. Can either be elected by popular vote or appointed by a council elected by popular vote.
- Support EGM
- Thanks Pierre. Any specific symbolic icon for the current protest like 「怒」?
- The act of HKAM is totally unacceptable.
- The HKAM should not speak for all the fellows without proper and thorough survey.
- The now proposed reform had a lot of room for further discussion
- The opinion expressed in the HKAM statement signify the kind of representation the Academy will present at the HK Medical Council - usurping the number represented while not taking the trouble to consult those whom they claim to represent.
- The position statement is an expression of political stand. I want to see HKAM continue serve s as an academic body to maintain the professional standard. I do not want to see
- HKAM becomes a political body. In the future, when I vote for the council member, I want to vote someone whom I trust his / her ability to maintain the standard, not someone who shares same political stand of myself.
- The president of HKAM should resign.
- This is ridiculous for HKAM to announce this statement Without notifying the fellow members!
- There are also concerns about the unusually short consultation period (months) and intended hasty enactment of the Bill and the outcry of hk doctor have NOT been addressed
- (1) HK made No reference to the details of the proposed Bill;
- (2) HKAM did not explain why they thought the Government proposal is the best
- (3) HKAM did not explain why they did not accept Dr Leung Ka Lau ( our Legco representative) 's proposal which includes 6 laymen into HK Medical Council ( even more laymen);
- (4) HKAM has not addressed to the concerns and worries from the Medical Professionals
- (5) HKAM failed to address the issue of how to safeguard Professional Independence and how to prevent it from manipulation from the Government or other external sources
- Very disappointed at this false statement without proper consultation
- Very disappointed in the HKAM
- We need good consciousness for our profession
- We should call an EGM to pass a vote of non confidence on our Academy President
- We want to have our vote on who to represent us!
- What justifies HKAM to represent all of us without asking for a poll / vote beforehand?!
- You make up a crisis
- 整個所謂改革只是為了引入大陸醫生,嚴重影響香港醫療質素。HKAM 未經諮詢會員擅自表達立場,可恥至極。
- 被代表,我感到非常憤怒及驚訝
- T/F
- 請繼續叫專科醫生填問卷 http://bit.ly/surveytoHKAM2016,仍然繼續收集數據,直至2016年7月16日12:00 止,14:00在醫專大樓開召開緊急會員大會。
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