
立法會議事規則 - 撤回


64. 法案的撤回或押後處理
(1) 負責某法案的議員或官員,可在立法會開始就該法案進行二讀或三讀的程序時,宣布撤回或押後處理該法案。

(2) 負責某法案的議員或官員可在符合以下條件的情況下,在立法會開始就該法案進行恢復二讀辯論的程序時,宣布撤回該法案 -
(a) 恢復二讀辯論的目的是為了作出該項宣布;及
(b) 該目的已在根據本議事規則第54(5)條(二讀)作出恢復二讀辯論的預告中述明。
(3) 負責某法案的議員或官員在根據第(2)款宣布撤回該法案時,可就與撤回該法案有關的事宜向立法會發言,但該等發言不容辯論。

64. Withdrawal or Postponement of Bills
(1) The Member or public officer in charge of a bill may, by an announcement made in Council at the beginning of proceedings for its second or third reading, withdraw or postpone the bill.

(2) The Member or public officer in charge of a bill may, by an announcement made in Council at the beginning of proceedings for the resumption of the second reading debate on the bill, withdraw the bill if -
(a) the purpose of the resumption is for making such an announcement; and
(b) such purpose has been so stated in the notice of the resumption of debate given under Rule 54(5) (Second Reading).
(3) The Member or public officer in charge of a bill may, in making an announcement for the withdrawal of the bill under subrule (2), address the Council on matters relevant to the withdrawal but no debate may arise on such an address.

