
Is universal screening programme good for all people and diseases?

WHO: Principles and Practice of Screening for Disease

JMG Wilson and G Jungner. Principles and Practice of Screening for Disease. WHO 1968


Osteoporosis screening

As there are still controversies in osteoporosis screening and yet sufficient evidence to support universal screening programme in Hong Kong, the Administration will keep in view the latest development of local and overseas evidence in determining appropriate policy in Hong Kong in future. Prevention of osteoporosis. Information note prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat for the meeting on 12 June 2020. Panel on Health Services LC Paper No. CB(2)1143/19-20(06)


Breast cancer screening

The CEWG has taken into consideration the findings of the Study and available evidence and reviewed its recommendations for breast cancer screening. The revised recommendations were reported to, and endorsed by, the CCC at its meeting on 19 June 2020. The CEWG’s revised recommendations on breast cancer screening for local population include –
(i) breast self-examination is not recommended as a screening tool for breast cancer for asymptomatic women; women are recommended to be breast aware (be familiar with the normal look and feel of their
breasts) and seek medical attention promptly if suspicious symptoms arise;
(ii) there is insufficient evidence to recommend clinical breast examination or ultrasonography as a screening tool for breast cancer for asymptomatic women;
(iii) it is recommended that risk-based approach should be adopted for breast cancer screening
Subcommittee on Issues Relating to the Support for Cancer Patients. Sixth Legislative Council

Why not others?

Dr. Pierre Chan

