

    1. 小弟以5626票勝出了,佔總投票數68.5%,佔全部西醫牙醫選民50.3%,感謝超過一半西醫牙醫認同我和我的政綱。
    2. 感謝每位醫生和牙醫的支持票,您們寶貴的一票令我成功晉身新一屆立法會,代表您們發聲和爭取改善醫療服務。
    3. 感激我的十八位提名人:黎青龍教授、余宇康教授、楊超發醫生、袁維昌醫生、梁憲孫教授、歐耀佳醫生、郭寶賢醫生、曾繁光醫生、潘冬平醫生、黃麗虹教授、王翔醫生、蕭旭亮醫生、董光達醫生、梁世宙醫生、梁世民醫生、杜銀發醫生、梁耀殷醫生、和衛德純醫生。
    4. 多謝我的競選醫生顧問團和好同事。在過去兩個月,他們給了我寶貴的意見和支持。特別要多謝競選辦公室主管 Gloria 和 Timothy。
    5. 我亦要多謝我的太太、媽媽、細佬和我的家人,他們是我的主要義工團成員,在過去兩個月勞苦功高,有他們的支持,我才能勝出今次選舉。義工團成員:Ann Chow, James Chan, Henry Chan,  Lily Leung, Marcus, Jess Chan, Timothy Lin, Tina Chow, Yik Yip Hung, Wincy Mak, Agnes Chan, To Siu Chun, Gary Mak, Steven Yu, Chan Yuen,
    6. 今後四年,我會致力團結醫學界,為病人和醫生爭取權益。落實我「撐醫生、護病人、香港要健康」的競選口號。
    7. 我亦會和業界不同世代、不同意見的醫生共同努力,為更美好的香港努力。再一次謝謝各位。

      Dear doctor and dentist friends,
      1. Your precious votes made me a new Legco member. I have to express my heartfelt appreciation to your support. I pledge that I will be voicing your views and striving for a better medical services for Hong Kong people.
      2. I have to say thanks for my subscribers, my think-tank groups and my colleagues. In the past 2 months, they gave me valuable advice and great support. I have to thank you my wife, my family members, my mother and my younger brothers as well. They are the core members of my volunteer group. Without their support, I wouldn’t have won this election.
      3. For the coming 4 years, I will do my best to unite the medical sector; and implement my election slogan “Support Doctors, Fight for the health of patients and Hong Kong”.
      4. I will also work with doctors from different generations and points of views to achieve a more beautiful Hong Kong. Once again, thank you very much for all doctors’support.
      Dr. Pierre Chan

