
繼續關心阿MO的情況 (34)

Rev. Derek Li // Moses’s Prayer Letter 34 (20230319) English Version


“Even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me.”
(Psalm 139:10 NLT)
1. Moses
a. “Shivering and Sweating”: For the past two days, MO has been experiencing shivering and constant sweating, which was hard to bear, as well as suffering from inflammation of the urethra. This has affected the original treatment schedule. Please pray that MO will recover soon and catch up with the treatment progress again.
b. “Brain-Computer Interface Training (BCI)”: Brain waves are the source of cognitive mobility of the nerves, we pray that BCI can activate MO’s fingers and elbows.
c. “Erigo” – Inclined Bed Tread Robotic System: The equipment has been installed and tested for operation. It will be officially used starting next week. We pray that this device will not only help the blood circulation of MO's feet and joint muscles, but also stimulate the overall sensation and functioning of the nerves.
d. “Exoskeleton”: MO is now able to take more than 400 steps each time with the support of the exoskeleton walking treatment, he is gradually becoming more stable. Please continue to pray that MO will make good progress in his neurological autonomy.
e. “Daily Grooming and Hygiene”: It is a challenge not only for Mo, but also for the people taking care of him. The slightest improper movement (such as trimming hair, brushing teeth, cutting nails, getting dressed, etc.) can cause injury or pain to Mo. The psychological pressure on people taking care of him is also intense. Please pray for the confidence and courage of those who take care of Mo, and be able to understand MO’s needs.
f. “Chinese and Western Health Treatments and Medicine”: Please pray that Chinese and Western medicines can enhance the metabolism of MO, promote blood circulation, relieve blood stasis, calming endogenous wind and removing obstruction in collaterals, invigorate vital energy and nourish blood, and facilitate nerve functions.

2. Moses’s Parents
a. “Encounter Seriously ill Patients”: During the hospital visits, we met Christian brothers and sisters who are seriously ill and had opportunities to pray for them and bring God's comfort and encouragement to them.
b. “Appreciate the Invitation to Share from Various Groups and Organizations”: They are hoping to invite us to share our experiences in facing difficulties and how to overcome with courage. Unfortunately, time and effort are limited, so please forgive us for not being able to respond to all the invitations.

