45.The Committee makes decisions on all matters by a majority of the members present and voting. Neither the Chairman nor any other member presiding shall vote, unless the votes of the other members are equally divided, in which case he shall have a casting vote [Rule 71(5B)], but the casting vote shall not be exercised in such a way as to produce a majority vote in favour of the question put.
分別是中文版 = 贊成及反對 的過半數 (不計棄權票)
而英文版是 present and voting,而voting 可以有 Yes 、 No 、 abstain
In the registration of medical practitioner, under Medical Registration Ordinance (Cap. 161) ("MRO") [1], the term "good character" is one of the requirements in the licensing examination and registrations.
While in "red book", Code of Professional Conduct of the Medical Council of Hong Kong [2], surprisingly, the term "good character" does not exit.
So, what is good character of registered medical practitioner?
In practice, to decide on fitness of practice including mentally fit or good character, a 13-member quorum of the Council meeting will be held.
Section 21A of the MRO gives powers to the Council to take action in relation to a doctor who, by reason of health, is physically or mentally unfit to practice medicine, surgery or midwifery [1].
Section 4 of MRO, Meetings of the Council, (2) Except in an inquiry under section 21, in an appeal hearing under section 20F, 20O or 20W, or in an election petition under the Election Regulation as defined in section 3, at any meeting of the Council 13 members shall be a quorum. [1]
Then, what is good and what is the character of registered medical practitioner?